Grow with the goodness of fish

If you're looking for a natural and effective way to improve the health and productivity of your garden, then fish hydrolysate may be just what you need. Fish hydrolysate is a type of organic fertiliser that is made from fish waste and other organic materials. It is rich in nutrients and microorganisms that can help to nourish the soil and support plant growth. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider using fish hydrolysate as an organic fertiliser:

1. High in Nutrients - fish hydrolysate is loaded with nutrients that are essential for plant growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and other beneficial compounds that can help to support the growth and health of your plants.

2. Increases Soil Microorganisms - Fish hydrolysate is rich in beneficial bacteria and fungi that can help to support the health of the soil. These microorganisms can help to improve the soil's structure, increase nutrient availability, and enhance the overall health of your plants.

3. Safe and Natural – Unlike chemical fertilisers that can be harmful to the environment and human health, fish hydrolysate is completely safe and natural. There are no synthetic chemicals or pesticides in this organic fertiliser, making it an excellent choice for those who want to grow healthy and organic plants.

4. Versatile - Fish hydrolysate can be used in various ways, such as foliar spraying, soil drenching, and seed inoculation. This versatility makes it an excellent option for different types of plants, from annuals and perennials to fruit trees and vegetables.

5. Sustainable - Fish hydrolysate is a sustainable and environmentally friendly option. By using fish waste and other organic materials that would otherwise go to waste, this organic fertiliser reduces waste and supports a more circular economy.

Fish hydrolysate is an excellent choice for organic farming and gardening. It is a nutrient-rich, safe, and sustainable product that can help to enhance soil health, plant growth, and the overall productivity of your garden. By using fish hydrolysate, you can produce healthy and organic produce while also supporting the environment. Give it a try, and see how it can transform your garden!

Our fish hydrolysate product is called GROBEST FH100 liquid organic fertiliser. Get yours here:


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